A man with a very huge and attractive body.
A man with a very huge and attractive body.
A dull and stupid person.
A nickname for a chubby person.
An affluent and generous person.
Meaning “Very fat”.
Someone who is all you got.
Someone you consider as God-sent.
Someone who is cherished and adored.
A brilliant yet charming person.
For a person you love so much.
A beautiful and cute person.
For someone so close to your heart.
Someone who gives vitality to your soul.
Someone who is irreplaceable.
For someone who is indispensable.
Someone with whom you find peace and happiness.
A person you consider your heart beat.
For a lovely and adorable soul.
For someone sweet and lovely.
For someone you cherish and love dearly.
Someone who has no rival in your life.
Someone you love and hold quite dearly.
For a partner or spouse who completes you.
Someone who’s your number one drive.
For someone who brightens your day.
An attractive, tender hearted person.
Someone who would stay through thick and thin.
Someone who is a trusted helper and friend.
One who puts a smile on your face like no one can.
For someone filled with warmth and love.